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Asthma is a lung disease in which the airways swell, narrow, and produce extra mucus. When the airways swell or narrow, less air can flow into the lungs. In addition, extra mucus produced in the lungs can further narrow the airways. This makes it difficult to breathe.


Asthma affects over 20 million people in the United States alone. It most often begins in childhood, but adults can develop the disease later in life. People with a family history of asthma and allergies are more at risk of developing asthma. Although symptoms can be managed, the disease may lead to a life-threatening attack. It’s important to know how to identify asthma so it can be treated immediately.


  • Coughing

  • Chest tightness

  • Shortness of breath

  • Wheezing


As many as 8 out of 10 of asthma sufferers also experience allergic rhinitis. This makes allergic rhinitis (also called “hay fever”) a significant risk factor for developing asthma. Symptoms of both diseases can be caused by anything that triggers your allergies, including pollen, pets, mold, cockroaches, and dust mites.


Some symptoms vary from the type of asthma you have. There are various types of asthma you may experience. In allergic asthma, wheezing is the most common symptom. It occurs when a patient is exposed to allergens. These symptoms can easily be managed by avoiding allergic triggers. In cough variant asthma, coughing is the only symptom. However, severe coughing can lead to difficulty breathing and asthma attacks. This type of asthma is just as dangerous as allergic asthma.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid comes up from the stomach into the esophagus and affects as many as 9 out of 10 people with asthma. Symptoms include repeated heartburn, severe heartburn, night-time asthma, asthma symptoms after exercise or after meals, frequent coughing, hoarseness, and belching. Treatment of GERD may decrease asthma symptoms.


Shortness of breath may be the only symptom patients with exercise-induced asthma experience. With this condition, symptoms are brought on by intense exercising or activities. If you suffer from any type of asthma, you must avoid your triggers. Talk to your allergist about what may trigger your asthma.


  • Acid Reflux from gastroesophageal reflux disease

  • Allergens

  • Emotional Anxiety

  • Exercise

  • Foods

  • Irritants

  • Medications

  • Sinus infections

  • Viral infections


Some triggers do not cause allergic reactions, but can still aggravate your airways and nose. These substances are called irritants and may trigger your asthma symptoms. These are not allergens and, although they can cause asthma symptoms and worsen existing asthma, do not cause an allergic reaction:


  • Air pollutants like wood smoke, ozone, and other airborne chemicals

  • Airborne particles like coal dust, talcum powder, or chalk dust

  • Dust, vapors, fumes, or gases that you are exposed to at work

  • Strong sprays or odors such as household cleaners, perfumes, cooking fumes (especially when frying), varnishes, or paints

  • Tobacco smoke: several studies have shown an increased occurrence of asthma in children who have mothers who smoke. You should never smoke (or allow someone else to smoke) in the home of a person with asthma.

  • Variable weather conditions, like changes in barometric pressure, humidity, or temperature, or even strong winds

  • Viral infections (like colds or certain forms of pneumonia) can aggravate or trigger asthma, especially with young children. These infections may irritate the airways (throat, nose, sinuses, and lungs) and the added irritation can trigger asthma flare-ups. In addition, sinusitis–the inflammation of the hollow chambers found around the nose and eyes–can trigger asthma. Sinusitis symptoms include post-nasal drip, wheezing, cough, sinus pain or pressure, headaches, or enlarged lymph nodes. Since sinusitis usually causes drainage of mucus into the throat, nose, and bronchial tubes, it can aggravate or trigger asthma.


If you experience wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath, then you should contact a physician. A physician can diagnose your asthma with a pulmonary function test. This test allows them to assess how well the lungs are working. It measures lung size and air flow.


Pulmonary function tests are noninvasive. It only requires you to deeply inhale and exhale into a mouthpiece connected to a small electronic device. However, certain things such as pregnancy can make a pulmonary function test less accurate. In this case, your physician may have other ways to assess your breathing.


Asthma is a chronic disease that requires regular management.  According to the National Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma, the treatment of asthma should have four main features:


  • Assessing and monitoring lung function using objective tests (spirometry, for example)

  • Avoiding triggers by modifying your environment

  • Medication therapy, as needed, for long-term prevention of airway inflammation as well as short-term symptom management

  • Patient education


For asthma sufferers, it is important to work with your physician to develop an effective treatment plan. Dr. Tamayev will create an individualized treatment plan for you based on your symptoms and type of asthma. Effective asthma treatment should have six main goals:


  • Prevent troublesome and chronic symptoms

  • Maintain as close to “normal” breathing as possible

  • Maintain regular activity levels, even exercise

  • Reduce the need for emergency treatment and prevent recurrent asthma flare-ups

  • Effective medication therapy that has minimal or no adverse side effects

  • Patient satisfaction with their asthma care

If you are educated about what causes your asthma symptoms and how to manage them, you can reduce the amount that your symptoms interference with your life. It is important to avoid your asthma triggers, develop and follow an asthma management plan with your physician, and use asthma medications as prescribed.


What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a lung disease characterized by chronic inflammation. The lungs swell, narrow, and produce extra mucus, making it difficult to breathe.


Who Does Asthma Affect?

Asthma affects adults and children but is more common in children. Over 20 million Americans have been diagnosed with asthma.


How Many Types of Asthma Are There?

There are over 10 different types of asthma. They are:

  • Allergic asthma

  • Non-allergic asthma

  • Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis

  • Aspirin-induced asthma

  • Adult-onset asthma

  • Asthma with fixed airflow obstruction

  • Exercise-induced asthma

  • Cough-variant asthma

  • Work-related asthma

  • Nighttime (Nocturnal) asthma

  • Asthma with obesity


Can Asthma Be Cured?

No, asthma is not curable. The disease can become less severe over time but can flare at any moment.


How Is Asthma Diagnosed?

Dr. Tamayev can use a pulmonary function test to diagnose asthma. In the event that this test cannot be performed, they will listen to your breathing to assess your lungs.


How Is Asthma Treated?

Asthma can be managed with oral steroids. You should also avoid irritants that trigger your asthma. Follow the asthma treatment plan given by Dr. T.


Can I Develop Asthma?

Although asthma is usually developed in childhood, it can develop at any time. If you have a family history of asthma, you can develop the disease. Visit Dr. Tamayev for a diagnosis.


Can Dogs Have Asthma?

Dogs can develop asthma just like humans. It is called allergic bronchitis. They usually show the same symptoms as humans, such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.


Can Asthma Be Caused by Allergies?

Yes, asthma can be caused by allergies. Whatever you are allergic to can trigger your asthma. About 8 out of 10 asthma sufferers have allergies as well.


What Triggers Asthma?

Certain irritants, allergens, or activities can trigger asthma. When irritants or allergens get inside the lungs, symptoms will appear. Extraneous activities trigger asthma in some individuals.


If you think you may have asthma, Dr. Tamayev can help. Dr. T can also help you find relief for your respiratory allergies, ear, nose, & throat (ENT) symptoms, and skin conditions. Dr. T has the newest treatments and testing and sees both pediatric and adult patients. Use the book online button below to schedule an appointment today!


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